Can I Get Pizza Delivery in IRCTC Trains?
Raise your hand if you like Pizza! This one is for all you pizza fans out there. Above all, the thrill of feasting on cheese-laden Pizza on train is unrivalled. Pizza is worth splurging on because of the crunchy thin crust, creamy cheese, spicy vegetables, and delicious chicken bits. So if you are willing to savour Pizza, you must know the best app for pizza delivery on train is RailRestro. It provides the best Pizza delivery in IRCTC trains with various options. Here's a guide on ordering Pizza on the train like a pro. Delightful Pizza delivery in train with RailRestro App RailRestro is one of the best train meal delivery apps . The RailRestro App allows you to order meals from various restaurants while travelling by train. RailRestro is free software available on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. This is the most simple method to order Pizza in the train. It works in offline mode as well, so you don't need internet access while travelling. So, no need to be conce...